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Contra game software for pc free download

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Contra (NES, MSX) Game Download.Free contra game download for laptop (Windows)

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Contra game software for pc free download


Video games have really changed freee the years. For starters, you no longer need to pay coins contraa retry levels. Also the difficulty levels have consistently decreased, allowing more and more people to enjoy the medium. In this vein if you would give the contra game software for pc free download Contra to a new generation gamer, the kid would probably become frustrated after ten minutes and request a Flappy Bird session for cooling down.

It comes from an era where the better contga were at it, the cheaper the experience would become. Before Nintendo Entertainment System, arcade games were made to slowly drip money out of hyped kids. In this contra game software for pc free download, Contra became contra game software for pc free download popular that it escaped the arcades and landed on the NES, being followed up with sequels on PC and later consoles, reaching Xbox, PlayStation 3 and even the iPad.

However for those that want to sample the original feel of Contra, this version might fill the bill. Upon starting to play you get a chance to configure the controls, difficulty level video quality and sound. You then get to select which of the first two levels you want out for this session. The game stretches through one jungle, one Snowfield and one Alien Lair level. These are the three constants of Contra. Although you obviously want to avoid the death part, the designer made it a bit harder than in the NES version.

Mainly because enemies appear a tad more often. Other than that you have the same task of hitting enemies with coloured balls while avoiding being hit by theirs. As in the original, a single hit takes away one life. Which means your character gets reset, and loses his special weapon if he had any. Unlike the NES version however, losing all of your lives means softeare, as continuing will re-set the character as normal but with a full complement of lives four to be exact.

On the flip side donwload final score will be divided by This is the iron man equivalent and the way you should play it. Test drive ferrari game in all, the game is not overly long only 3 levels and can be finished in ten minutes or less. Still, try Contra 20th Anniversary Edition to get a taste of history. A taste. Contra Game 1. Review Publisher Description. For newbies.

For newbies Video games have really changed over the years. Conclusion All in all, the game is not overly long only 3 levels and can be finished in ten minutes or less. You, or you нажмите чтобы перейти a friend together, take the role of a commando sent to a tropical city to eradicate an evil black ops commandos.

For most of Download Rating:. Continue to app Rating:. Welcome to the War Zone Commando! Protect your data. Configure once and forget about it. Read More.

Click stars to rate this APP! Publisher: Mario Games.


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