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Hey there, Citra fans! We wanted to take this opportunity to make an announcement and answer a few questions many of you have had. This is an absolutely incredible achievement and your enthusiasm is a big по этому сообщению in what drives development of the app.
It has been more than a year since the last progress report, not 3ds emulator for pc free download lack of progress, but for lack of writers. To fill in the gap, developers jroweboy and FearlessTobi independently wrote drafts for a new progress report, and another developer zhaowenlan merged their works and added more content. Hello there emulation aficionados! Today we are unveiling the most requested addition for Citra: Android Support!
3ds emulator for pc free download navigation. Super Mario 3D Land. Bravely Default. Mario Kart 7. The Legend of Zelda Majora’s Mask. Kirby Triple Deluxe. Final Fantasy Explorers. Citra is an open-source emulator for the Nintendo 3DS capable of playing many of your favorite games. Learn More. Download Here. Join our Discord. September 14 Continue Reading. News Tag Cloud citra-release feature-update progress-report.
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3ds emulator for pc free download
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