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A Practical Guide to Parametric Drawing in AutoCAD | Autodesk University – Run a parametric study
Configure and run parametric studies, and promote final results back to the model. To examine the effects of geometric variable on your designs, perform a parametric dimension study on the model. You can adjust values in the parametric table to change the results that display. When you modify parameters, the geometry updates for all corresponding features to retain design Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins. Leaving Autodesk Inventor Chapter 2. Parametric Modeling Fundamentals. Introduction The Adjuster Design Starting Autodesk Inventor The Default Autodesk Inventor Screen Layout Sketch Plane – It is an XY Monitor, but an XYZ World Creating Rough Sketches Step 1: Creating a Rough Sketch Parametric modeling with Autodesk Inventor Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Share to Twitter. Parametric modeling with Autodesk Inventor by Shih, Randy H. Publication date Pdf_module_version Ppi Rcs_key Republisher_dateUser Interaction Count:
Parametric modeling with autodesk inventor 2016 pdf free
Configure and run parametric studies, and привожу ссылку final results back to the model. To examine the effects of geometric variable on your designs, perform a parametric dimension study on the model. You can adjust values in the parametric table to change the results that display.
When you modify parameters, the geometry updates for all corresponding features to retain design intent. A Parametric Table lists both parametric dimensions and design constraints. Design Constraints are the specific result components that you are interested in seeing for those parameters. There are options for each constraint based on your selection.
Evaluate only a few of the parameters that describe a part feature so that the result of the simulation remains geometrically predictable. Later, identify that parameter in a simulation, and explore the effect of thickness changes. Parameter names cannot have spaces. Choose parameter ranges that result in configurations with compatible feature structures and topology when compared to the base model.
The lower section of the table displays the parameters that you nominated previously. To see the results update immediately using a нажмите чтобы узнать больше scale, on the ribbon Stress Analysis tab Display panelturn on Same Scale.
The color bar scales to the largest and smallest values within the parameter result sets. To exclude the list of geometric entities, select Exclude. Otherwise, geometric entities listed are included. The following calculations apply. The software checks against the range – That is, the lower limit is multiplied by the safety factor while the upper limit is divided by the safety factor.
The dialog box displays a list of affected components. By default, all parameters are selected for promotion to the model as part of the edit. Both the Base Value and New Value display. For each component, the parameters по этой ссылке modified and the model updates in a serial manner. Once completed, the Base configuration of the model updates to the new Base parameters.
You can also undock the Parametric Table from the application window. Nominate the parameters for the simulation, identify parameter ranges, and specify design criteria.
Generate various configurations, and evaluate and further refine the parameters or design constraints until the results are satisfactory. Generate Single Configuration Creates a configuration with the current parameter values.
Generate All Configurations Creates all configurations for all of the design parameters in the table. Show Base Configuration Displays the base configuration of the model in the graphics area. When results are satisfactory, promote the configuration back to the model as a CAD edit.
Nominate parameters for simulation Evaluate only a few of the parameters that describe a part feature so that the result of the simulation remains geometrically predictable. In the browser, expand parametric modeling with autodesk inventor 2016 pdf free model nodes to reveal parametric modeling with autodesk inventor 2016 pdf free features in a part.
Right-click a feature node to evaluate parametrically, and click Show Parameters. Assembly node Exposes only assembly parameters at the node level. For a subassembly, exposes only parameters for that assembly, and not its child parts. Part node Displays parameters for all features that make up the part. All part occurrences experience changes to перейти на источник parameters.
Feature node Displays all parameters that make up the part feature. In the Select Parameters dialog box, left column, select each parameter to include in the simulation.
Specify parameter ranges Choose parameter ranges that result in configurations with compatible feature structures and topology when ссылка на подробности to the base model. In the Values cell for a given parameter, enter a range in ascending order; For a range, separate the minimum and maximum values by a dash 2 – 4. For a range with a defined number of points in the range, add a colon and the number after the range 2 – 4 : 8.
In this example, the points occur every. When finished, click Enter. Repeat the steps parametric modeling with autodesk inventor 2016 pdf free each parameter that requires a range. To create the geometry, right-click the slider next to the values, and click Generate Range Configurations. Use the slider to update the display for each range point.
In the Design Constraint dialog box, select the Results Component to use as a design constraint. Specify parametric modeling with autodesk inventor 2016 pdf free value behavior – maximum, minimum, or range of values. Specify whether to include or exclude geometry, and select the entities. Click OK. Note: You can further refine constraints individually. Use Safety Factor as a design constraint The parametric modeling with autodesk inventor 2016 pdf free calculations apply.
Promote configuration to model When results are satisfactory, promote the configuration back to the model as a CAD edit. Clear the checkbox for each parameter that you do not want to promote to the model.