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Overview Introduction to scripting in After Effects A script is a series of commands that tells an application to adobe after effects cs6 user guide pdf free a series of operations. You can use scripts in most Adobe applications to automate repetitive tasks, perform complex calculations, and even use some functionality not directly exposed through the graphical user interface. For example, you can direct After Effects to reorder the layers in a composition, find and replace source text in text layers, or send an e-mail message when rendering is complete.
Although both the After Effects expressions language and the After Effects ExtendScript scripting language are based on JavaScript, the expressions features and scripting features of After Effects are separate and distinct. Expressions cannot access information from scripts such as variables and functions. Whereas a script tells an application to do something, an expression says that a property is something.
However, because the After Effects expression language and ExtendScript are both based on JavaScript, familiarity with either one is very helpful больше информации understanding the other. The heart of a scriptable application is the object model. When you use Adobe After Effects, you create projects, compositions, and render queue items along with all of the elements that they contain: footage, images, solids, layers, masks, effects, and properties.
Each of these items, in scripting terms, is an object. This guide describes the ExtendScript objects that have been defined for After Effects projects.
The After Effects object model is composed of a project, items, compositions, layers, and render queue items. Each object has its own adobe after effects cs6 user guide pdf free attributes, and every object in an After Effects project has its own identity although not all are accessible to scripting. You should be familiar with the After Effects object model in order to create scripts.
Nearly all of what scripting can accomplish replicates what can be done by means of the After Effects graphical user interface.
A thorough knowledge of the application itself and its graphical user interface is essential to understanding how to use scripting in After Effects. The After Effects scripting engine supports the 3rd Edition of the ECMA Standard, including its notational and lexical conventions, types, objects, expres- sions, and statements.
ScriptUI provides an object model for windows and UI control elements that you can use to create a user interface for your scripts. Tools and Utilities: In addition, ExtendScript provides tools and features such as a localization utility for providing user-interface string values in different languages and global functions for displaying short adobe after effects cs6 user guide pdf free in dialog boxes a l e r tc on f i r mand prompt. External Communication: ExtendScript provides a S o cke t object that allows you to communicate with remote systems from your After Effects scripts.
Interapplication Communication: ExtendScript provides a common scripting environment for all Adobe applications, and allows interapplication communication through scripts. If you choose to use another text editor to create, edit, and save scripts, be sure to choose посетить страницу источник application that does not automatically add header information when saving files and that saves with Unicode UTF-8 encoding.
In many text editors, you adobe after effects cs6 user guide pdf free set preferences for saving with UTF-8 encoding. After Effects scripts must include the. Any UTFencoded text file with the. You can use the ExtendScript Toolkit to export a binary version of an ExtendScript file, which has the extension.
Such a binary file may not be usable with all of the scripting integration features in After Effects. Activating full scripting features The default is for scripts детальнее на этой странице not be allowed to write files or send or receive communication over a network. This error message includes information about the nature of the error and the line of the script on which it occurred.
This feature is disabled by default adobe after effects cs6 user guide pdf free that casual users do not encounter it.
If you edit a script while After Effects is running, you must save your changes for the changes adobe after effects cs6 user guide pdf free be applied. If you place a script in the Scripts folder while After Effects is running, you must restart After Effects for the script to appear in the Scripts menu, though you can immediately run the new script using the Run Script File command.
Running scripts from the command line, a batch file, or an AppleScript script If you are familiar with how to run a script adobe after effects cs6 user guide pdf free the command line in Windows or via AppleScript, you can send a script directly to the open After Effects application, so that the application automatically runs the script.
To run a script from the command line, call afterfx. Use the -r switch and the full microsoft 2019 5 pc free download of the script to run as arguments. This command does not open a new instance of the After Effects appli- cation; it runs the script in the existing instance. Following are examples of Windows command-line entries that will send an After Effects script to the appli- cation without using the After Effects user interface to execute the script.
In the first example, you copy and paste your After Effects script directly on the command line and then run it. The script text appears in quotation marks following the af te r fx. For example: af t e r f x. In the first example, you copy your After Effects script directly into the Script Editor and then run it.
After Effects runs scripts in these folders automatically, in alphabetical order, windows 10 build numbers 14393 free starting and quitting, respectively. In the Startup folder you can place scripts that you wish adobe after effects cs6 user guide pdf free execute at startup of the application.
They are executed after the application is initialized and all plug-ins are loaded. Scripting shares a global environment, здесь any script executed at microsoft office 2016 free download can define variables and functions that are available to all scripts.
In all cases, вот ссылка and functions, once defined by running a script that contains them, persist in subsequent scripts during a given After Effects session. Once the application is quit, all such globally defined variables and functions are cleared. Be sure to give variables in scripts unique names, so that a script does not inadvertently reassign global variables intended to persist throughout a session.
This occurs after the project is closed but before any other application shutdown occurs. If a script нажмите чтобы прочитать больше been written to provide a user interface in a dockable panel, the script should be put in the ScriptUI folder. ScriptUI panels work much the same as the default panels in the After Effects user interface. Instead of creating a Window object and adding controls to it, a ScriptUI Panels script uses the t h is object that represents the panel.
In this case, you should pass the t h i s object as an argument to your function. However, a script that is busy processing a lot of data might not be very responsive.
Elements of basic JavaScript relevant to After Effects scripting JavaScript variables Scripting shares a global environment, so any script executed at startup can define variables and functions that are available to all scripts. Scripters should be careful about giving variables in scripts unique names, so that a script does adobe after effects cs6 user guide pdf free inadvertently reassign global variables intended to persist throughout a session. JavaScript keywords and statement syntax Although it is not possible to provide an exhaustive resource describing usage of JavaScript, the здесь tables provide an overview of keywords, statements, operators, precedence, and associativity.
The following table lists and describes all keywords and statements recognized by the After Effects scripting engine. Similar to the w hi l e loop, except loop condition evaluation occurs at the end of the loop. Provides a way to easily loop through the properties of an object. Similar to the d o JavaScript operators The following tables list and describe all operators recognized by the After Effects scripting engine and show the precedence and associativity for all operators. Structure member.
Function call. Logical NOT. Bitwise OR. Logical OR. ExtendScript also defines the ScriptUI module, a set of window and user-interface control objects, which are available to After Effects scripts.
(PDF) After-Effects-CS6-Scripting-Guide | Far Shad – replace.me
Animation defined by keyframes is retained.