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When transforming any layer type, dragging a corner handle now scales the layer proportionally by default, indicated by the Maintain Aspect Ratio button Link icon in the ON state in the Options bar. The Shift key, while pressed, now acts as a toggle for the Maintain Aspect Ratio button. Photoshop remembers your last transform behavior setting—proportional or non-proportional scaling—it will be your default transform behavior when you start Photoshop the next time.

For detailed instructions, see Scale, rotate, skew, distort, apply perspective, or warp. Transforming scales, rotates, skews, stretches, or warps an image. You can apply transformations to a selection, an entire layer, multiple layers, or a layer mask. You can also apply transformations to a path, a vector shape, a vector mask, a selection border, or an alpha channel. Transforming affects image quality when you manipulate the pixels.

To apply non-destructive transformations to raster images, use Smart Objects. See Work with Smart Objects. To make a transformation, first select an item to transform and then choose a transformation command. If necessary, adjust the reference point before manipulating the transformation. You can perform several manipulations in succession before applying the cumulative transformation.

For example, you can choose Scale and drag a handle to scale, and then choose Distort and drag a handle to distort. Then press Enter or Return to apply both transformations. Photoshop uses the interpolation method selected in the General area of the Preferences dialog box to calculate the color values of pixels that are added or deleted during transformations. This interpolation setting directly affects the speed and quality of the transformation. Bicubic interpolation, the default, is slowest but yields the best results.

Original image B. Layer flipped C. Selection border rotated D. Part of object scaled. Enlarges or reduces an item relative to its reference point, the fixed point around which transformations are performed.

You can scale horizontally, vertically, or both horizontally and vertically. Turns an item around a reference point. By default, this point is at the center of the object; however, you can move it to another location. All transformations are performed around a fixed point called the reference point. By default, this point is at the center of the item you are transforming. However, you can change the reference point or move the center point to a different location using the reference point locator in the options bar.

The reference point is hidden by default. To show the reference point , click select the check box next to the reference point locator in the options bar. You can apply various transform operations such as Scale, Rotate, Skew, Distort, Perspective, or Warp to the selected image. If you are transforming a shape or entire path, the Transform menu becomes the Transform Path menu.

If you are transforming multiple path segments but not the entire path , the Transform menu becomes the Transform Points menu. When you transform a bitmap image versus a shape or path , the image becomes slightly less sharp each time you commit a transformation; therefore, performing multiple commands before applying the cumulative transformation is preferable to applying each transformation separately. To cancel the transformation, press Esc or click the Cancel button in the options bar.

If you are transforming a shape or entire path, the Transform command becomes the Transform Path command. If you are transforming multiple path segments but not the entire path , the Transform command becomes the Transform Points command. To duplicate while transforming, hold down Alt Win or Option Mac when selecting the Transform command. If you’ve transformed a Smart Object, you can reset all transformations you’ve previously applied by doing one of the following:.

Buy Adobe Photoshop or start a Free Trial. Legal Notices Online Privacy Policy. Buy now. User Guide Cancel. Make it. Scale layers proportionally Updated in Photoshop How do I switch back to the legacy transform behavior? Apply transformations. You can also warp and distort raster images using the Liquify filter. Transform submenu commands. Slants an item vertically and horizontally. Stretches an item in all directions.

Manipulates the shape of an item. Rotates the item by the specified number of degrees, either clockwise or counterclockwise. Flips the item vertically or horizontally. Video tutorial: Tips for working with vectors in Photoshop.

In this episode of The Complete Picture, Julieanne demonstrates features for working with vectors in Photoshop. Select an item to transform. Do one of the following:. To transform an entire layer, make the layer active, and make sure nothing is selected. You cannot transform the background layer. To transform it, first convert it to a regular layer.

To transform part of a layer, select the layer in the Layers panel, and then select part of the image on that layer. To transform multiple layers, do either of the following in the Layers panel: Link the layers together, or select multiple layers by Ctrl-clicking Windows or Command-clicking Mac OS more than one layer.

In the Layers panel, you can also Shift-click to select contiguous layers. See Select, group, and link layers. To transform a layer mask or a vector mask, unlink the mask and select the mask thumbnail in the Layers panel. To transform a path or vector shape, use the Path Selection tool to select the entire path or the Direct Selection tool to select part of the path. If you select one or more points on a path, only those path segments connected to the points are transformed.

See Select a path. To transform a selection border, make or load a selection. To transform an alpha channel, select the channel in the Channels panel. Set or move the reference point for a transformation Updated in the October release of Photoshop CC Choose a transformation command. A bounding box appears in the image. In the options bar, click a square on the reference point locator. Each square represents a point on the bounding box. For example, to move the reference point to the upper-left corner of the bounding box, click the top left square on the reference point locator.

In the transform bounding box that appears in the image, drag the reference point. The reference point can be outside the item you want to transform. Scale, rotate, skew, distort, apply perspective, or warp. Select what you want to transform. Optional In the options bar, click a square on the reference point locator. Do one or more of the following:. If you chose Scale , drag a handle on the bounding box. When positioned over a handle, the pointer becomes a double arrow.

Hold down the Shift key while transforming to toggle between proportional and non-proportional scaling behavior. If you chose Rotate , move the pointer outside the bounding border it becomes a curved, two-sided arrow , and then drag. If you chose Skew , drag a side handle to slant the bounding box.

If you chose Distort , drag a corner handle to stretch the bounding box. If you chose Perspective , drag a corner handle to apply perspective to the bounding box. For all types of transformations, enter a value in the options bar. For example, to rotate an item, specify degrees in the rotation text box. When you finish, do one of the following to commit the transformation:. Select a new tool.

Click a layer in the Layers panel. This action auto-commits changes and also selects the layer. Click outside the canvas area in the document window. Click outside the bounding box in the canvas area.



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Jun 14,  · When transforming any layer type, dragging a corner handle now scales the layer proportionally by default, indicated by the Maintain Aspect Ratio button (Link icon) in the ON state in the Options bar. To change the default transform behavior to non-proportional scaling, simply turn OFF the Maintain Aspect Ratio (Link icon) button. The Shift key, while pressed, now acts . Aug 03,  · In the field of Graphic Design, there are tons of classes covering a variety of topics like Logo Design, 3D Illustration, Brand Identity Design, Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Illustrator CC, Adobe InDesign CC, Affinity Designer, Geometric Grid-based Designs etc. The theory and core principles of graphic design are also discussed in several courses. May 11,  · Download Adobe Photoshop Extended for Windows to create powerful images and discover new dimensions in digital imaging.