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Download winamp in limba romana
Totodata, in privinta programelor care includ violenta, trebuie distins ceea ce reprezinta continut nelegal, anume ceea ce nu poate fi transmis in nici o situatie, de ceea ce poate fi transmis numai cu avertizari obligatorii sau numai la intervale orare permise, precum si de ceea ce reprezinta continutul a carui difuzare nu incalca prevederile legii dar care, de asemenea, contine o reprezentare a violentei si poate induce un stress, sau poate induce comportamente nedorite.
Spatiul de actiune al autoreglementarii vizeaza programe cu continut de violenta a caror difuzare presupune ca prevederile legale nu au fost incalcate, dar care sunt supuse unor restrictii suplimentare. Ca urmare, nerespectarea acestor restrictii de autoreglementare nu poate fi considerata o incalcare a legii sau a reglementarilor CNA emise in aplicarea legii.
Prezenta violentei in programe trebuie sa fie intotdeauna justificabila editorial sau prin logica dramaturgica a programului, in sensul ca trebuie sa stabileasca o relatie de continut informational sau spectacular cu publicul, care sa se inscrie in datele interesului public specific domeniului audiovizual. Difuzarea de programe care contin violenta gratuita anume violenta care nu joaca un rol central in definirea subiectului, a unui personaj sau a unei teme a programului ca ansamblu, la randul lui motivat valoric este interzisa prin lege.
Violenta care are ca scop socarea publicului pentru a-i atrage atentia asupra programului fara a-i oferi elemente necesare pentru a intelege justificarea editoriala sau dramaturgica a acestuia, si care recurge la reactiile lui primare, nemediate de resursele sale culturale si de civilizatie, trebuie evitata.
Astfel, se va avea in vedere ca: Difuzarea de programe care promoveaza sau elogiaza violenta este nedezirabila. Programele pentru copii nu vor contine decat grade reduse de violenta fizica, verbala sau emotionala. Violenta in termenii referentiali ai lumii reale trebuie sa se distinga de violenta ca efect al fanteziei si sa fie supusa unei restrictii mai accentuate in cazul unor elemente de continut similare.
Reciproc, reprezentarea violentei marcate drept imaginar poate fi mai larga. In programele care contin referiri la violenta reala trebuie prezentate publicului efectele finale ale violentei asupra faptasilor si asupra victimelor. Desi se admite ca in cazul filmelor de gen actiune, sf, thriller gradul crescut de conventie permite o prezentare mai explicita a violentei, trebuie totodata avut in vedere ca in melodrame sau telenovele conventia poate intensifica efecte nedorite, in perceptia sinuciderilor, de pilda, care pot afecta publicul.
In programele pentru copii cu personaje reale, violenta se va prezenta numai daca este esentiala pentru dezvoltarea personajelor sau a intrigii. Programele de animatie care contin violenta stilizata si non-realista nu vor avea violenta ca tema centrala si nu vor stimula imitarea unor comportamente periculoase.
Programele pentru copii vor trata cu atentie teme care pot induce copiilor sentimente de insecuritate. Programele pentru copii trebuie sa evite promovarea de comportamente imitative periculoase.
Programele nu vor contine scene de violenta realista care sa induca ideea ca violenta este modul cel mai eficient de a solutiona probleme sau conflicte reale. Programele nu vor contine elemente terifiante arbitrare, fara relatie de continuitate cu tema programului. Violenta va fi prezenta in stiri si programe informative numai daca prezentarea ei aduce o informatie relevanta pentru teme sociale de ansamblu sau specifice, sau daca este necesara pentru a semnala si constientiza un pericol sau un risc general – individual sau colectiv.
Informatiile continand scene de violenta vor fi precedate de avertizari cu privire la potentialul efect de stress pe care il pot avea asupra publicului in general sau asupra unor categorii speciale minori. Se va avea in vedere ca pozitia in jurnalele de stiri a reportajelor continand violenta sa nu creeze elemente suplimentare de soc si sa nu afecteze identitatea stirilor din imediata vecinatate.
News Channels etc Using this small application, you can easily manage Music Player while your phone is Want to See Picture of the people who Call you? Full Screen or with More Details?
Would you like to see a Picture from your Gallery, each Time you make or receive a LCG Jukebox is a music player for mobile phones that is designed to suit all your Use to view, organize and share your images and to give attractive presentations. With Music Box, you could compose your song and play it with beautiful melody. It is DivX Player V0. Lets begin. If you have not already done so, install Nullsoft Winamp and familiarize yourself with it.
Step One: Begin by loading Nullsoft Winamp. Right click on the title bar that reads “Winamp” and mouse over the menu labeled “Options” then click on the option labeled “Preferences”. Step Two: Now that you have opened the preferences dialogue, click on the item to the left side of the dialogue labeled “Output” under the Plug-ins category. This part is pretty much up to you depending on the sound you want.
If you select the standard “waveOut output”, you will experience minor moments of silence in between songs. You do not want to select the options labeled “Nullsoft WMA Output plug-in” or “Nullsoft Disk Writer plug-in” as these will create copies of the songs you attempt to play in different file formats on your hard drive.
Our recommendation would be to use the “DirectSound output” or the “Nullsoft Crossfading Output” but for the purposes of this tutorial we will be using the DirectSound output. Note: if you do not have a soundcard installed on your computer, you will need to select the “Nullsoft NULL Output Plug-In” which will allow you to stream the music without getting error messages because Winamp was unable to find a soundcard. If you wish to follow along with the tutorial, select the plug-in labeled “DirectSound output”.
You may now close the preferences dialogue. A new dialogue window should have opened with a title that reads Shoutcast Source. Step four: You are now ready to setup the Shoutcast Source to broadcast to your iWayRadio streaming audio server. For this step, you must know your server address, port, and password. To start, click on the output tab. Under the field labeled “Address” you will need to enter the address of your iWayRadio server.
Next you need to provide the Shoutcast source with your servers port information, which would have been provided to you at the time that your server address was also provided to you. This should be a number entry only and entering a value other than a number will produce an error when connecting. An example of a correct port configuration would be or You should enter this information under the field labeled “Port”.
You will also need to provide Shoutcast Source with the valid password to your iWayRadio server. Winamp Classic supplies additional plug-ins such as three-dimensional audio software and customized skin interfaces. So, it is very simple to personalize its appearance and to streamline playback capabilities. This lightweight feature also enables the software to remain open while other programs are running. As the media player is free, it is a welcome alternative to other systems that require a paid subscription.
Have not used for sometime but being 85 years I found it to be able to do everything ai wanted when playing music discs, particular to Karaoke. Its the best Time to read this if it mentions the About this program front. Laterz x x x. I have been using this app as my media player since I was still in junior school and it still surprises me how this software is still functional up un til now. I just wished that the developer could develop this software more and make this in trend because I’m sure it could surpass all other famous media player out there.
Believe it or not, I still have this Winamp Classic media player software in my Windows 8 computer system.
Download winamp in limba romana
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Download winamp in limba romana
DOWNLOAD. Designed by Sven Kistner for Winamp , adapted by Simonster 7 for BSplayer and improved by Joe McGray. Added full screen bar, multilanguage. Extended Winamp · Authors: Hrvoje Katic, Beqa Gozalishvili and NVDA-addon-team · Download stable version · NVDA compatibility: and beyond. Winamp Classic, free and safe download. Winamp Classic latest version: Free music and video player for personal computers. Winamp Classic is a free so.
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