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Mars wifi free download for windows 10


Источник Internet Technology Co. User rating User Rating 8. Mars wifi free download for windows 10 is a free download for your laptop. This doenload software will provide free internet access for you regardless if you are connected to a cellular service GPRS or a wired broadband connection Cable, DSL, etc. The only requirement for this software is that you also have the Windows version installed.

This Windows-based software comes with various features that make it ideal for travelers and is highly recommended for homes as well. The main interface of the Mars WiFi – Free WiFi HotSpot looks very similar to some other wired networking applications, with an easy to read graphic user interface. You can select “select save” to save your settings and configurations for the software to your home computer.

You can use the “restore” function to automatically restore wlndows system to previous settings. The other major difference you may notice between the Mars WiFi 1 Free WiFi HotSpot software and other similar programs is that it does not require any type of additional hardware such as a USB dongle or drivers.

It will work on any Windows 10 system. It is compatible with all of the latest versions of Windows. I am yet to find any other similar software that requires no drivers and mars wifi free download for windows 10 on any operating system, but I believe that it would be a minor feature compared to what this program has to offer.

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