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Microsoft windows 10 enterprise license cost 自由
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If you have an on-premises Active Directory Domain Services AD DS domain, you need to synchronize the identities in the on-premises AD DS domain with Azure AD. This synchronization is required for users to have a single identity that they can use to access their on-premises apps and cloud services that use Azure AD.
An example of a cloud service is Windows Enterprise E3 or E5. Figure 1 illustrates the integration between the on-premises AD DS domain with Azure AD. Azure AD Connect is responsible for synchronization of identities between the on-premises AD DS domain and Azure AD.
Azure AD Connect is a service that you can install on-premises or in a virtual machine in Azure. For more information about integrating on-premises AD DS domains with Azure AD, see the following resources:. After you’ve ordered the Windows subscription Windows 10 Business, E3 or E5 , you’ll receive an email with guidance on how to use Windows as an online service:.
When you have the required Azure AD subscription, group-based licensing is the preferred method to assign Enterprise E3 or E5 licenses to users.
How to use PowerShell to automatically assign licenses to your Microsoft users. Other solutions may exist from the community. For example, a Microsoft MVP shared the following process: Assign EMS licenses based on local Active Directory group membership.
Now that you’ve established a subscription and assigned licenses to users, you can upgrade devices running supported versions of Windows 10 Pro or Windows 11 Pro to Enterprise edition. The following experiences are specific to Windows The general concepts also apply to Windows You can join a Windows Pro device to Azure AD during setup, the first time the device starts. You can also join a device that’s already set up.
During the initial setup, on the Who owns this PC? page, select My organization , and then select Next. On the Choose how you’ll connect page, select Join Azure AD , and then select Next. On the Let’s get you signed in page, enter your Azure AD credentials, and then select Sign in. Go to Settings , select Accounts , and select Access work or school. In Set up a work or school account , select Join this device to Azure Active Directory. If the device is running a supported version of Windows 10 or Windows 11, it automatically activates Windows Enterprise edition using the firmware-embedded activation key.
Once the device is joined to Azure AD, users will sign in with their Azure AD account, as illustrated in Figure 8. The Windows 10 Enterprise E3 or E5 license associated with the user will enable Windows 10 Enterprise edition capabilities on the device. If there are any problems with the Windows Enterprise E3 or E5 license or the activation of the license, the Activation panel will display the appropriate error message or status. You can use this information to help you diagnose the licensing and activation process.
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Ekhlaque AhmedShaikh. How can I get the license for windows What will be cost? I have the same question Report abuse.
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