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Windows server 2012 standard features free. Windows Server 2012 R2

Something very handy in your efforts to build private and hybrid clouds. This should give you more flexibility in right-sizing your environment.


Windows server 2012 standard features free. Windows Server 2012


Windows Server has been released on 4 September This version has brought a жмите сюда new Operating System with many new features, enhancements and more. In fact, the changes are so large that many IT Pros are still struggling with learning all those new items windows server 2012 standard features free Windows Server. Enter 18 October Microsoft releases Windows Server R2. But instead of being some sort of Читать статью Pack or bug fixes with some a few посмотреть больше features it turns out to be a major upgrade with many new and requested features and lots of enhancements to existing features.

The fact that they have released so quickly after the previous version is something new for Microsoft. While it normally took years before a new version is released, Microsoft is now working on a more frequent schedule.

We should expect but windows server 2012 standard features free is standar confirmed a new release every 12 to 18 months. But in the end, organizations will be forced to upgrade faster or they windows server 2012 standard features free risk staying behind, being less productive and losing business.

Windows Server R2 brings a lot of new capabilities to the infrastructure in many different areas. The next part is a high-level summary of different features and enhancements. One of the newest features is called Work Folders. This technology allows you to make corporate data available to users.

That should stop the Dropbox, SkyDrive, email kind of solutions that end users are using today to get their information on their devices. SMB 3. Another great improvement windoqs better yet, removal is the fact that you now can uninstall or remove SMB 1.

Luckily, in R2 a huge amount of improvements have been implemented to make our life much easier. Recovery for database corruption, database cloning for windows server 2012 standard features free synchronization, unexpected shutdown database recovery are among those improvements узнать больше здесь are welcomed a lot. And there are quite some more.

Storage Spaces is one of these technologies that allow smaller shops to have shared storage without the need of purchasing windows server 2012 standard features free expensive Storage Area Network.

In fact, with the right hardware, you can even have the same or better performance with Storage Windows server 2012 standard features free. Features like Tiered Storage spaces, write-back caching and Flexible resiliency options are now introduced and improve this great feature even further.

And last but not least; due to the way the data deduplication cache works you will notice a HUGE performance improvement by using data deduplication so it is a win-win situation.

Those items have been addressed and now you can place your data in a SQL server database, you can define security with role-based access control and you can manage virtual address spaces now.

With the introduction of the Hyper-V Virtual Switch in Windows ServerMicrosoft made an important step towards better networking in private, hybrid and cloud environments. The R2 version includes new features for manageability, security, isolation, visibility and scalability such as windows server 2012 standard features free possibility to specify port numbers for creating rules, third-party forwarding extensions working together with NVGRE, vRSS Virtual Receive Side Scaling and better network tracing.

The Windows Server Gateway is a windoss machine software router template that allows network traffic routing between virtual and physical networks, including the internet. Something very handy in your efforts to build private and hybrid clouds.

Quite some changes on the clustering front. Automatic virtual нажмите для деталей drain on frwe even if you are forgotten to place the node in maintenance mode.

Lots of CSV improvements such as the possibility to allocate more cache, data deduplication and ReFS support and more. There is also new health detection mechanisms including the virtual machine network health detection. A lot of improvements to the quorum and last but not least there is a cluster dashboard now that will help you manage your clusters better.

Hyper-V version 3 is a huge improvement compared to the previous versions. But Windows Server R2 brings a lot more new functionality and improvements to the table. The possibility to share a virtual disk VHDX standdard multiple virtual machines so that you can build a Hyper-V guest failover cluster is one of those. You can frfe also resize virtual disks without shutting down the Virtual Machine.

This should give you more flexibility in right-sizing your environment. Another new feature is a generation 2 virtual machine. Session shadowing is now included. RemoteApp client behavior is much more the same then a local installed application. Transparency приведу ссылку, live thumbnails and seamless windows server 2012 standard features free moves are now part of that client.

There is now Quick Reconnect included in Remote Desktop clients and a huge amount of effort is placed in improving compression and bandwidth usage so that end-users have more fluent applications. Dynamic display handling, automatic recognition of an added monitor or project and support for DX Besides the usual bug fixes, dark download windows 10 cmdlets and so on there are some other major enhancements also.

One of the new features is called Http://replace.me/12219.txt State Configuration DSC which is a sgandard system that enables the deployment and management of configuration data or software services and the environment in which these services run.

Debugging has also enhanced and now you are allowed to debug a remote PowerShell workflow or script and even when the remote session disconnects and you reconnect then the debugging session will be preserved. This is great if you want to build more automation in your deployments. Single Sign-On SSO is nothing new for domain-joined computers, in Windows Server R2 this technique has been brought to workplace joined источник статьи also.

But there is much more. In R2 a new technology called Web Application Proxy role service is introduced to allow you to publish Line-of-Business web applications so that they can be accessed from посмотреть больше of the corporate network. And there is a servre more. Multi-Factor authentication is easier to sketchup pro 2016 crack bit download free and now supports a plug-in model. You can now use Multi-Factor access control policies based on various and multiple criteria.

Maybe the last one, from now on, when you install Windows Server Featurs in core mode, Windows Defender will be automatically available and enabled. November 11, 7 min to read. Stxndard Resseler. File Services and Storage Networking See also. Mike is focused on technologies around Windows server 2012 standard features free and System Center. His major hobby is discussing and developing solid Disaster Recovery scenarios. Additionally, he has enterprise-class experience in Private Cloud architecture, deployment with marked focus on windows server 2012 standard features free from the bottom to the top.

Follow Mike on MikeResseler or Veeam. Previous post Next post. Get weekly blog updates. Cheers for trusting us with the spot in your mailbox! Start free featuges.


New features in Windows Server R2


For example, a CAL assigned to a user, allows only that user to access the server via any device. Likewise, if a DAL is assigned to particular device, then any authenticated user using that device is allowed to access the server.

We can use a simple example to help highlight the practical differences between CAL and DAL licensing models and understand the most cost-effective approach:. Assume an environment with Windows Server R2 standard edition and a total of 50 users and 25 devices workstations.

In this case, we can purchase either 50 CAL licenses to cover the 50 users we have or alternatively 25 DAL licenses to cover the total amount of workstations that need to access the server. In this scenario, purchasing DALs is a more cost effective solution. If however we had 10 users with a total of 20 devices , e. Windows Server Foundation is available to OEMs Original Equipment Manufacturers only and therefore can only be purchased at the time of purchasing a n new hardware server.

Windows Foundation edition supports up to 15 users. In addition, Foundation edition owners cannot upgrade to other editions. The Essential edition of server is available to OEMs with the purchase of new hardware and also at retail stores. The user limit of this server edition is 25 and device limit is This means that a maximum of 25 users amongst 50 computers can access the Windows Server Essentials edition.

For example, you have 20 users rotating randomly amongst 25 computers accessing the Server Essentials edition, without any problem. A common question at this point is what if the organization expands and increases its users and computers? In these cases Microsoft provides an upgrade path allowing organizations to upgrade to the Windows Server Standard or Datacenter edition license and perform an in-place license transition.

Once the transition is complete, the user limitation, and other features are unlocked without requiring migration or reinstallation of the server. Companies upgrading to a higher edition of Windows Server should keep in mind that it will be necessary to purchase the required amount of CALs or DALs according to their users or devices.

Administrators will be happy to know that it is also possible to downgrade the Standard edition of Server to the Essentials edition. For example, it is possible to run Essential edition of Server as virtual machine utilizing one of two available virtual instances in Standard edition as shown in the figure below.

This eliminates the needs to purchase Essential edition of Server Download Now! Unlike Windows Server Essentials non-R2 , you can now run a single instance of a virtual machine. SoftNews SRL. September 14, Archived from the original on May 8, Retrieved January 25, Archived from the original on December 2, Archived from the original on October 13, Retrieved July 15, Windows Server Blog! Archived from the original on January 17, Archived from the original on April 29, Microsoft DreamSpark.

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